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about sus bots

an NFT community connecting digital artists and project founders

sus bots is an NFT project that connects individuals who want to join a collaborative art-focused digital community. sus bots reduces digital noise and offers resources and knowledge on NFT project creation – focusing on digital art production and distribution. this community allows digital artists and founders interested in collaborating on NFT projects to connect.


we are a community that acts as a matchmaking and resource sharing platform for digital artists and NFT project founders. as we enter web 3.0 we demand a fair and equity space for digital artists. we enforce that digital artists earn a portion of the creator earnings and are properly compensated for their artwork. our mission is to empower digital artists and their work. 


our projects focuses on solving a critical problem we see within the NFT space: many NFT projects showcase the digital art and not the artists. we are not an agency, we are community-focused, we are problem-solution oriented, and we are web 3.0 educators.




let's play!

feel free to contact us for more information and partnerships 

thanks for submitting!

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